Humans without Borders’ Fun Day

Prelude supported the yearly ‘Fun Day‘ for the children and their families that Humans without Borders assists.

humans without borders 2017

The children need help to reach the hospital for treatment, because they are too young and sick to travel alone and their parents often don’t receive the needed permits to pass the checkpoints. Through volunteers, Humans without Borders organizes transportation and support to the families. Once a year, volunteers and families of the children join together for a day of relaxation.

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Please read the following email we received from the organizer:

The contribution from the Prelude Foundation was deposited last week and the event on Friday was a great success. In all, we had about 60 children, 40 adults and 10 volunteers and everyone had a wonderful time. The children were especially captivated by huge soap bubbles (some of them reached a meter in length), paste-on tattoos (organized by girls from the Hand-in-Hand school) and, of course, Azat and his friend who are labelled as the most famous clowns in all Palestine. The food was great. What else can you ask for? And the musicians played for hours as several of the families simply did not want to go home. The kids romped and danced and they will remember the day for some time to come.
We wish to thank the Prelude Foundation for making all of this possible.
With many thanks,

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